Friday, February 12, 2016

Kylene's art work

There are many differences that occurs, everyday. I have different choices to make. And always double check to see if you still want to do that. Life changes are good. I made a life change going on 6 years this April. The 7th of that month I had decided to move back to Arizona, and I love living here in phoenix. I will never leave this city, Even if I get a job opportunity. Then I would reconsidered. But for now I am here to stay, when I work on my art, I think about what can I do to make a creative difference and turn it into my own. Art work. I see other artworks that gives me ideas of what I want to do, but turn it into my own art work.

Working with clay, and painting with charcoal, and oil paint. ( I will post a pic here)
I have worked on this first day of the semester, And finished it 2 weeks ago. I am now currently on making my 3rd artifact, and will post that later when its done, I don't post while making it. well sometimes I do. I made this log cabin with different types of animals. its so cool. Its not done yet, its going to be fired up in the kiln this week, actually it should be fired up as of now.
Here is another angle, of my log cabin, with the animals.
I also do sketches too. and this one is of my favorites. My fiancé loves it so much that he is getting this tattoo on him. And I am so happy and excited that he is going to do this. awesome.
well, I have homework that needs to be done. ttyl